Lunar Waves!


My name is Lunar Waves, fusion of Fluttershy and Luna. Everypony is admiring me of my beauty and my abilities. One night, I entered into some filly's dream, when I realize she's gonna be bullied by her friends at school. So I assured her to have a strong mental. And in any case she can't handle them anymore, I'll step in and punish them. In other occasion, I can hear a group of animals who needs help because the water is running out in the lake. So I fly across the forest and found few evil ponies who blocked the lake with trees. Then I confront them to move the trees away but they don't want to listen to me. With a loud voice, I tell them once again to move those trees, or else arrested in my castle's jail for 10 moons. Then they finally listened and moved the trees. Those aren't the only stories I have in my journey as a princess. So if you want more of them, come visit my castle in Canterlot!

Character Design by ベルファ ガス状, name idea by Florentina Moldovan, and hosting by Infinitz ^^

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